Rigby Taylor.I live with my partner as naturally as possible in today’s world, on several forest acres in sub- tropical Queensland.
My first twenty-five years are recalled in a light-hearted memoir, Dancing Bare, in which I confess my misbehaviour in nineteen sixties London, Paris, Europe and North Africa.
I write the sort of stories I like to read, in which people who share my ideas, values, hopes and fears, cope bravely with dangers without compromising their principles. Stylistically, I want stories that are intelligent, reasonably fast-paced, and with sufficient but minimal description that doesn’t interrupt the unfolding plot, which is about more than just action. A bit of philosophising and the occasional polemic always please me.
I reckon fictional characters should be believable, not ‘supermen’ — just slightly larger than life. I also want the book to be well written and edited so I'm unaware I’m reading as I’m transported to a more interesting reality where there are at least a couple of people I can relate to. I don’t mind reading about sexual activity if it’s part of the plot and demonstrates character, but graphic sex bores me witless. I am disappointed that so many so-called ‘gay’ novels seem to be excuses for empty erotica.
I'm always slightly disappointed by ‘heroes’ who are unable to escape the compromises, petty disagreements, hopes, disappointments, mistakes, regrets, and the doubtful pleasures of wasteful consumerism that are destroying the planet.
My ‘heroes’ live in that world, but face their predicaments stoutly, understanding that more than enough is too much, while valuing what is truly valuable – a sustainable, living planet with clean air, water and soil, thus inspiring us lesser mortals to follow their example and strive with a little more perseverance to attain our goals. I realise I'm sometimes guilty of a bit of tub-thumping in my writing, but I like that in other writers because without strong convictions an author has little to offer readers apart from amusement.
Rigby Taylor.