About Nigel Gordon image
Nigel Gordon

Nigel Gordon was born in 1948 and spent most of his childhood in the English Black Country town of Wednesbury, where he went to school. After leaving school at fifteen he drifted around for a few years, working in a circus, theatre and films, the antique trade and at times as a rent boy. In his mid-twenties, he returned to full-time education initially to study law and accountancy. Due to illness, he had to give up his degree studies and somehow ended up working in the IT sector. He ended as a freelance consultant advising major European companies. In the meantime, he managed to obtain a Master's degree in IT and Batchelor degrees in Environmental Studies and General Science.

During his working life, he wrote a number of books on computer programming and on theatrical magic. He also taught Martial Arts, holding senior dan grades in a number of them.

He is now retired, a state of being which he finds somewhat annoying as he never has time to do everything he needs to get done. He has written a number of gay-themed short stories and two novels. At the time of writing, he has four gay-themed novels underway and a book on Fire Eating being edited to go to the press.

Currently, he spends his time writing fiction, binding books and gardening, when he is not helping friends getting a new business venture started.